Celebrity Patent - Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, patented a special shoe for creating anti-gravity illusion

PatentYogi_CelebrityPatent_Michael Jackson

Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, patented a special shoe for creating anti-gravity illusion. More than his songs, his dance moves were probably more responsible for making him a global icon for over 4 decades. He devised many novel dance moves, like the moonwalk.


In 1987, while shooting a video for his single “Smooth Criminal,” Michael devised a dance routine where he leaned forward 45 degrees, giving an impression that he was defying gravity. Audience, of course, did not know that wires were used to create the impression. The dance routine became an instant sensation.


Jaskson wanted to recreate the same dance routine in a live performance, so he invented a special shoe. Jackson and his co-inventors were granted a U.S. patent for the shoe in 1993.

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The shoe had a slot in the heel region.


The slot was designed to engage with a peg, that could be raised and lowered through the stage when required.


When heel engaged with the peg, Michael could lean forward into the attached ankle straps.


Source: Michael Jackson’s patent

Patent Information
Publication number: US5255452 A
Patent Title: Method and means for creating anti-gravity illusion
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 07/905,479
Publication date: Oct 26, 1993
Filing date: Jun 29, 1992
Priority date: Jun 29, 1992
Fee status: Lapsed
Inventors: Michael J. Jackson, Michael L. Bush, Dennis Tompkins
Original Assignee: Triumph International, Inc.
