Funny Patent of the week - Baby Bum Printing Kit

PatentYogi_Funny Patent of the Week

The addition of a newborn infant to a family inspires feelings of nostalgia and the related desire to create a lasting remembrance of the child’s infancy.


There are many ways to create this lasting remembrance, including bronzing a baby shoe, photography, videography, and making hand and feet prints.


The existing types of remembrances are easily recognizable as just that – a whole or part of a baby or infant used to create a lasting impression. The patented Baby Bum Printing Kit assists in creating a remembrance that results in a fine art end product which is not easily recognized as merely a remembrance.


Source: Autoblog; TheGuardian 

Patent Information
Publication number: US6213778 B1
Patent Title: Painting kit and related method
Application number: US 09/461,708
Publication date: 10 Apr 2001
Filing date: 14 Dec 1999
Priority date: 18 Dec 1998
Inventors: Elise Cohen
Original Assignee: Elise Cohen
