Funny Patent of the week - Life Expectancy Watch

Life Expectancy Watch
Life Expectancy Watch

This Smart Watch from 2002 can tell your life expectancy.

The patent says, “Life expectancy has been a major concern of people throughout the ages. Insurance companies routinely develop and publish actuarial tables to indicate the average lifespan of certain people in specified groups. This actuarial table data is based on a number of factors, such as overall health of the individual, whether a person smokes cigarettes, consumes excessive alcohol, and genetic factors such as family histories of known diseases and recorded lifespans.”

In fact, a Swedish inventor Fredrik Colting brought this watch to the market. Dubbed the ‘death watch’, Tikker watch apparently calculates a person’s life expectancy – and even counts down to the time they will die.

Patent Information
Publication number: US5031161 A
Patent Title: Life expectancy timepiece
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 07/655,590
Publication date: 9 Jul 1991
Filing date: 15 Feb 1991
Priority date: 15 Feb 1991
Fee status: Lapsed
Inventors: David Kendrick
Original Assignee: David Kendrick
