Celebrity Patent - Francis Ford Coppola patented a T-shirt with a grid matrix printed on the back

Francis Ford Coppola patented a T-shirt with a grid matrix printed on the back.

The idea is to be able to quickly indicate what portion of a person’s back is itching so that another person can help scratch.

PatentYogi_Celebrity Patents_Francis Ford Coppola

Patent Information
Publication number: US20060191053 A1
Patent Title: Garment for identifying location on body of the garment wearer
Publication type: Application
Application number: US 11/066,815
Publication date: Aug 31, 2006
Filing date: Feb 25, 2005
Priority date: Feb 25, 2005
Publication number: 066815, 11066815, US 2006/0191053 A1, US 2006/191053 A1, US 20060191053 A1, US 20060191053A1, US 2006191053 A1, US 2006191053A1, US-A1-20060191053, US-A1-2006191053, US2006/0191053A1, US2006/191053A1, US20060191053 A1, US20060191053A1, US2006191053 A1, US2006191053A1
Inventors: Francis Coppola
Original Assignee: The Coppola Companies
