Inspired by Ironman, Microsoft patents a system that allows users to create virtual 3D objects of any shape using body gestures

The patented intuitive interface allow users to create imaginary three dimensional (3D) objects of any shape using body gestures performed by the users as a primary or only input. The technology may be used by children to “draw in the air”.

The user starts by scanning an arbitrary body gesture into an initial shape of an object. Next, the user performs various gestures using his body, which result in various edits to the object. After the object is completed, the object can also be animated, based on movements of the user.
















Patent Information
Publication number: US 20160027199
Patent Title: Object Creation Using Body Gestures
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 28 Jan 2016
Filing date: 26 Aug 2015
Inventors: Xiang Cao; Yang Liu; Teng Han; Takaaki Shiratori; Nobuyuk Umetani; Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC
Original Assignee: Xiang Cao; Yang Liu; Teng Han; Takaaki Shiratori; Nobuyuk Umetani; Microsoft Technology Licensing, LLC
