This Day in Patent History - On January 03, 1928 Nikola Tesla received a flying machine, which he called helicopter-plane

On January 3, 1928 Nikola Tesla received a flying machine, which he called helicopter-plane. The helicopter-plane flies straight up from earth until safely high and then would cock over to fly like any other plane.

Tesla announced that his flying machine will sell for less than $1,000.

PatentYogi_On January 3, 1928 Nikola Tesla received a flying machine, which he called helicopter-plane

Patent Information
Publication number: US1655114 A
Patent Title: Apparatus for aerial transportation
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 3 Jan 1928
Filing date: 4 Oct 1927
Priority date; 4 Apr 1921
Publication number: US 1655114 A, US 1655114A, US-A-1655114, US1655114 A, US1655114A
Inventors: Tesla Nikola
Original Assignee: Tesla Nikola
