This Day in Patent History - On November 13, 1990, David S. Zamierowski patented a novel wound dressing which evacuated the drained fluids from the wound and provided liquid medications

On November 13, 1990, David S. Zamierowski patented a novel wound dressing which evacuated the drained fluids from the wound and provided liquid medications.
















Patent Information
Publication number: US4969880 A
Patent Title: Wound dressing and treatment method
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 07/332,699
Publication date: 13 Nov 1990
Filing date: 3 Apr 1989
Priority date: 3 Apr 1989
Fee status: Paid
Also published as: CA2049948A1, 7 More
Inventors: David S. Zamierowski
Original Assignee: Zamierowski David S
