Patent granted for the popular selective map marker aggregation

Traditional, mapping applications typically display pinpoints of information corresponding to various relevant data points on a map. This limits the usefulness of maps as using pinpoints is not very intuitive.

The patented technology allows users to display content such as images, videos, emojis etc. on a map. The technology has been patented by Adtile technologies, a company based out of San Diego, CA.

The patent was filed in 2011. What makes this patent interesting is that, with the rise in location based services, all popular mapping applications started using this feature.

Patent granted for the popular selective map marker aggregation

For example, popular apps like Apple Photos, Facebook and Periscope use a similar location-based map marker technology. It will be interesting to see if Adtile Technologies sues the companies using a similar location-based map marker technology.

Patent Information
Publication number: US 9,401,100
Patent Title: Selective map marker aggregation
Publication date: 26 Jul 2016
Filing date: 17 Aug 2011
Inventors: Nils Forsblom; Toni Seppala;
Original Assignee: Adtile Technologies, Inc.
