Nike invents a way to imprint photorealistic 3D display on shoes

The appearance of these images may be similar to that of lithophanes. However, the patented technology does not require the use of any backlight. The invention uses an opaque background layer and a semi-transparent display layer. The display layer consists of raised and recessed areas that are arranged in different positions corresponding to an image to be displayed. Also, a coloring agent is added to the display layer. As a result, the display layer has increased light transmissivity through the recessed areas and decreased light transmissivity through the raised areas such that a contrast of light transmissivity between the raised and recessed areas generates the image.


Patent Information
Publication number: US 9216552
Patent Title: Device for displaying image on apparel
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 13/944,509
Publication date: 22 Dec 2015
Filing date: 17 Jul 2013
Inventors: James E. Diepenbrock; Connie A. Sarkinen; Todd A. Waatti;
Original Assignee: NIKE, Inc.
