Eye-Mountable Device To Provide Automatic Accommodation And Method Of Making Same (US20150362754)


PatentYogi Summary

This invention relates to positioning of an accommodation actuator of a smart contact lens in relation to activating electrodes and gaze sensor. The accommodation actuator is disposed in a central region of the smart contact lens in order to cover the foveal vision. The central region is defined by a pinch-off region that extends around a perimeter of the central region. The pinch-off region serves as a seal to hold the accommodation actuator within the central region. The peripheral region is located around a periphery of pinch-off region that includes contact lens material disposed and cured to aid in sealing of encapsulation layers with one another. This method of fabrication is advantageous compared to forming the accommodation actuator separately from other lens structures.




















Patent Information
Publication number: US20150362754
Patent Title: Eye-Mountable Device To Provide Automatic Accommodation And Method Of Making Same
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 17 Dec 2015
Filing date: 12 May 2015
Inventors: James Etzkorn; Jeffrey G. Linhardt; Brian Otis;
Original Assignee: Google Inc.
