The invention uses sensors that pick up electrical signals from the ciliary muscle of the eye responsible for focusing. The signals are then used to…
NASA upgrades the MARS Rover with a new kind of locomotion
NASA has patented a rover that looks and moves like the jelly monster Blobby from Hotel Transylvania. The rover is essentially a bladder filled with…
Lockheed Martin has patented an anti-missile barrier that blinds an incoming missile
When a potential missile attack is detected, an airborne balloon deployed at a higher altitude suspends a curtain around the ship like a matador’s capote.…
Google patents a wind-powered vessel for removal of carbon dioxide from seawater
Google has developed an ocean-going vessel which uses seawater and green energy as inputs and extracts carbon dioxide from seawater while also producing jet fuel…
Boeing patents in-flight refuelling of multiple air-crafts simultaneously
To simultaneously refuel two or more receiver aircrafts, multiple wing pods are mounted to a tanker aircraft. Each wing pod contains a refuelling hose and…
These patented guardian angel drones will follow and monitor your car
A company has invented a guardian angel for cars in the form of drones. The technology proposed in the patent application shows a drone that…
Elissor has patented an improved version of Google glass
Elissor has patented an improved version of Google glass. This glass provides augmented vision to spectacle wearers who also require optical correction for their vision.…
Rapiscan Systems has patented an X-ray shoe scanner to detect explosives and drugs hidden in shoes
Rapiscan Systems has patented an X-ray shoe scanner to detect explosives and drugs hidden in shoes. With this invention, you no longer have to remove…
Google invents a media player that follows you wherever you go
Google invents a media player that follows you wherever you go. Videos can now play and move across your devices like your reflection from one…
This patent from Nike puts a coach right under your feet
This patent from Nike puts a coach right under your feet. Achieving excellence in sports needs a lot more than a “Just do it” attitude.…