This Day in Patent History - On December 17, 1902, Pattillo Higgins filed a patent for a novel machine for drilling deep oil wells

On December 17, 1902, Pattillo Higgins filed a patent for a novel machine for drilling deep oil wells. Pattillo Higgins was a businessman as well as a self-taught geologist.

He earned the nickname the “Prophet of Spindletop” for his endeavors in the oil business.

PatentYogi_On December 17, 1902, Pattillo Higgins filed a patent for a novel machine for drilling deep oil wells


















Patent Information
Publication number: US747322 A
Patent Title: Spudding and pipe-driving machine
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 15 Dec 1903
Filing date: 17 Dec 1902
Priority date: 17 Dec 1902
Publication number: US 747322 A, US 747322A, US-A-747322, US747322 A, US747322A
Inventors: Pattillo Higgins
Original Assignee: Pattillo Higgins
