This Day in Patent History - On December 24, 1928, Gulbransen Company was granted a patent for a piano

This Day in Patent History – On December 24, 1928, Gulbransen Company was granted a patent for a piano.

Gulbransen is notable for several innovations including first upright piano with a player piano mechanism, use of transistor circuitry, built-in Leslie speaker system, chime stop and Piano stop, automatic rhythm and automatic walking bass.

PatentYogi_On December 24, 1928, Gulbransen Company was

















Patent Information
Publication number: US1798212 A
Patent Title: Piano
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 31 Mar 1931
Filing date: 24 Dec 1928
Priority date: 24 Dec 1928
Publication number: US 1798212 A, US 1798212A, US-A-1798212, US1798212 A, US1798212A
Inventors: Loar Lloyd
Original Assignee: Gulbransen Company
