This Day in Patent History - On December 28, 1976, Patent # 4,000,000 was issued in to Robert Mendenhall for a process for recycling asphalt compositions

This Day in Patent History – On December 28, 1976, Patent # 4,000,000 was issued in to Robert Mendenhall for a process for recycling asphalt compositions.

Robert executed the first project of reclaiming and recycling a highway. He is founder of Las Vegas Paving Corp.

PatentYogi_On December 28, 1976, Patent # 4,000,000 was issued in to Robert Mendenhall for a process for recycling asphalt compositions

















Patent Information
Publication number: US4000000 A
Patent Title: Process for recycling asphalt-aggregate compositions
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 05/488,518
Publication date: 28 Dec 1976
Filing date: 15 Jul 1974
Priority date: 5 Sep 1972
Publication number: 05488518, 488518, US 4000000 A, US 4000000A, US-A-4000000, US4000000 A, US4000000A
Inventors: Robert L. Mendenhall
Original Assignee: Mendenhall Robert Lamar
