This Day in Patent History - On February 7, 1908, patent was granted for a scenic railway, which is basically a unique amusement device for amusement park

On February 7, 1908, patent was granted for a scenic railway, which is basically a unique amusement device for amusement park.

PatentYogi_On February 7, 1908, patent was granted for a scenic railway, which is basically a unique amusement device for amusement park

The passengers are carried along a track towards a piece of scenery.









Before encountering the piece of scenery, the track is tilted by the weight of the car, to change the path beneath the piece of scenery.

Patent Information
Publication number: US884594 A
Patent Title: Scenic railway
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 14 Apr 1908
Filing date: 7 Feb 1908
Priority date: 7 Feb 1908
Inventors: Gaston Lacomme
Original Assignee: Edgar Joseph, Gaston Lacomme
