This Day in Patent History - On January 11, 1955, Lloyd Conover patented the antibiotic tetracycline

On January 11, 1955, Lloyd Conover patented the antibiotic tetracycline.

By 1958, tetracycline became the most prescribed broad spectrum antibiotic in the U.S. For this invention, he was inducted into the National Inventors Hall of Fame. He has close to 300 patents in his name.

PatentYogi_On January 11, 1955, Lloyd Conover patented the antibiotic tetracycline


Patent Information
Publication number: US2699054 A
Patent Title: Tetracycline
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: Jan 11, 1955
Filing date: Oct 9, 1953
Priority date: Oct 9, 1953
Inventors: Conover Lloyd H
Original Assignee: Conover Lloyd H
