This Day in Patent History - On January 4, 1898, Elza J. Christie received a patent for his gyroscopic unicycle

On January 4, 1898, Elza J. Christie received a patent for his gyroscopic unicycle.

The unicycle was expected to reach speeds of up to 400 miles per hour. It seems it was never tested independently.

On January 4, 1898, Elza J Christie received a patent for his gyroscopic unicycle

Patent Information
Publication number: US596480 A
Patent Title: Unicycle
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 4 Jan 1898
Filing date: 26 Sep 1896
Publication number: US 596480 A, US 596480A, US-A-596480, US596480 A, US596480A
Inventors: Elza J. Christie
