Today is VCR day! That’s right, a day dedicated to the technology that entertained your parents and probably you as a child. The VCR…
It's National Donut Day! Williamson began rolling in the dough with this patented 1950 invention.
Patent Information Rotary doughnut cutter US 2525987 A Publication date: 17 Oct 1950 Filing date: 29 Sep 1947 Priority date: 29 Sep 1947 Inventors: Adolph…
It's National Donut Day! S.A. Williamson began rolling in the dough with this patented 1950 invention.
Rotary doughnut cutter US 2525987 A Publication date: 17 Oct 1950 Filing date: 29 Sep 1947 Priority date: 29 Sep 1947 Inventors: Adolph Williamson…
INFOGRAPHIC - Ford opens electric vehicle patent portfolio to competitors
Ford announced last week that it is opening its portfolio of electric vehicle (EV) patents to the competitors, following similar moves by Tesla and Toyota.…
Boeing patents drones that can be charged midair
This week we got an awesome patent for you. This patent is from Boeing. The patent mentions the names of two inventors James Childress and…
This patent “sexed up” the window shopping experience.
This patent “sexed up” the window shopping experience. Patent Details: Patent Title – Means for nullifying or reducing window reflections Patent Number – US…
Zipper patent. (This day in Patent History - May 31).
Zipper patent. (This day in Patent History – May 31). Patent Details:Patent Title – Clasp locker or unlocker for shoesPatent Number – US504038 AApproved:…
Kellogg invented flaked cereals to prevent kids from masturbating. (This day in Patent History - May 31).
Kellogg invented flaked cereals to prevent kids from masturbating. (This day in Patent History – May 31). Patent Details:Patent Title – Flaked cereals and…
Feeling Hot Hot Hot? Thank this patent on fast ice-cream freezer for providing some relief during summers. (This day in Patent History - May 30).
This patent discloses an ice cream freezer that helps in expeditiously freezing ice-cream. This patent issued on May 30, 1848 has been helping people over…