Year: 2016
This Day in Patent History - On January 10, 1893, Thomas Lane patented the electric gas lighter
On January 10, 1893, Thomas Lane patented the electric gas lighter. Patent Information Publication number: US489653 A Patent Title: Electric gas-lighter Publication type: Grant…
This Day in Patent History - On January 9, 1894, Nikola Telsa was granted a patent was granted for a coil for Electro-Magnets
On January 9, 1894, Nikola Telsa was granted a patent was granted for a coil for Electro-Magnets. Features of the coil – Effect of mutual…
This Week in Patents ( January 04 – January 11, 2016)
The robot is capable of running at high speeds using rotating legs
A group of inventors have filed a patent for a six-legged robot. The robot is capable of running at high speeds using rotating legs. One…
An independent inventor has patented a hyper-loop like transportation system
The transportation system is made of an evacuated tube containing a transport capsule which is designed to travel within the tube. The capsule is a…
Ebay has patented a 3D printing marketplace
In the proposed marketplace, 3D printing service providers compete to fulfil requests for 3D printing tasks. Participants such as CAD designers, manufacturers, engineers and users…
Novartis has patented a contact lens capable of automatically focusing on objects
The invention uses sensors that pick up electrical signals from the ciliary muscle of the eye responsible for focusing. The signals are then used to…
NASA upgrades the MARS Rover with a new kind of locomotion
NASA has patented a rover that looks and moves like the jelly monster Blobby from Hotel Transylvania. The rover is essentially a bladder filled with…