Patent Details Publication number: USD332761 S Patent Title: Halloween vampire decoration Publication date: 26 Jan 1993 Filing date: 7 Jun 1991 Inventors: Neal N. Mankey…
#CreepyIP No. 30 – Creepy Patented system for trapping, killing and incinerating rodents
Patent Details Publication number: US4669216 A Patent Title: Apparatus for trapping and disposing of rodents Publication date: Jun 2, 1987 Filing date: May 23, 1986…
#CreepyIP No. 29 – Creepy Patent application for growing trees from ashes of identified individual human beings
Patent Details Publication number: US20110061293 A1 Patent Title: Tree of life precursor Publication date: Mar 17, 2011 Filing date: Jun 12, 2009 Priority date: Jun 12,…
#CreepyIP No. 28 – Surprise! This "mystery toy" comes with a FREE CURSE!
Patent Information Publication number: US2458969 A Patent Title: Mystery toy or puzzle Publication type: Grant Publication date: 11 Jan 1949 Filing date: 5 Feb 1948…
#CreepyIP No. 27 – Creepy Method for Keeping your Mummy Under Wraps
Patent Information Patent Title: Gauze bandage Publication number: US2190378 A Publication type: Grant Publication date: Feb 13, 1940 Filing date: Jul 13, 1936 Priority date:…
#CreepyIP No. 26 – Creepy Cyborg Fireman
Patent Information Patent Title: Fireman s mask Publication number: US409428 A Publication type: Grant Publication date: Aug 20, 1889 Filing date: May 16, 1889 Inventors:…
Deciding on a Unique Gift for a Special Occasion
The special occasions surrounding loved ones are usually cause for celebration and joy, but they can also provide the people around them with a great…
#CreepyIP No. 25 - Chin rest for the dead
Patent Information Publication Number: US506886 A Patent Title: Chin-rest for the dead Publication type: Grant Publication date: 17 Oct 1893 Filing date: 25 Jan 1893…
#CreepyIP No. 24 - Scariest pop figure ever
Patent Information Patent number: US20020098770 A1 Patent Title: Amusement device with flexible rubberized pop up figure Publication type: Application Application number: US 09/768,836 Publication…
#CreepyIP No. 23 – Creepy Ventriloquist's doll
Patent Information Patent Number: US2771708 A Patent Title: Ventriloquist’s doll Publication type: Grant Publication date: Nov 27, 1956 Filing date: Oct 28, 1953 Priority date:…