On November 8, 1928, Jules-Louis Breton, French inventor and politician, filed a patent for Dishwasher.
Jules-Louis Breton (1 April 1872 – 2 August 1940) was a chemist-inventor and a French politician. He was a representative of the French Assembly, and the proponent of the Breton-Prétot machine, a device developed in France from November 1914, intended to cut a way through barbed wire on the battlefield. It was developed with an engineer named Prétot, but did not progress beyond the experimental stage.
Patent Information
Publication number: US1681839 A
Patent Title: Dish washing, sterilizing, and drying machine
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 21 Aug 1928
Filing date: 3 Jun 1925
Priority date: 8 Nov 1923
Inventors: Louis Breton Jules
Original Assignee: Louis Breton Jules