Rapiscan Systems has patented an X-ray shoe scanner to detect explosives and drugs hidden in shoes. With this invention, you no longer have to remove your shoes at airport security points. The invention is a huge improvement over whole body scanners that have a high false alarm rate due to the common use of metallic shoe shanks. The patented technology uses a combination of Rastered Beam Forward Imaging (RBFI) and metal detection for screening a person’s shoes and is capable of detecting explosives and threats (metallic and non-metallic) hidden in shoes. The invention may be incorporated into the whole body scanner to advantageously use the X-ray beam generated by the whole body scanner in conjunction with its own detectors placed under the feet to capture the forward beam.
Patent Information
Publication number: US 9223051
Patent Title: X-ray based system and methods for inspecting a person’s shoes for aviation security threats
Application number: US 14/149,473
Publication date: 29 Dec 2015
Filing date: 7 Jan 2014
Inventors: Bendahan; Joseph
Original Assignee: Rapiscan Systems, Inc.