Sports is getting revolutionized with the new technology. Robots can play chess, football, soccer, basketball, ping pong, badminton, golf and many other games.
Now, we will have even have robot fans called “Fanbots”. Hanwha Eagles, a South Korean baseball team, is using “Fanbots” to cheer the team while they play games.
The Fanbots are controlled by real fans who can’t attend the game. The bots can cheer, chant, and do the wave. The fans can upload facial images, which are then used on the robot’s faces
Here is a patent on a Robotic golf swing trainer. The robotic golf swing trainer moves a golf club that a golfer is holding in the same way as a modeled, well-executed swing such as that of a selected professional golfer.
Patent Information
Publication number: US7806780 B1
Patent Title: Robotic golf swing trainer
Publication date: 5 Oct 2010
Filing date: 19 Nov 2009
Inventors: Jim B. Plunkett
Original Assignee: Plunkett Jim B
Publication number: US7806780 B1
Patent Title: Robotic golf swing trainer
Publication date: 5 Oct 2010
Filing date: 19 Nov 2009
Inventors: Jim B. Plunkett
Original Assignee: Plunkett Jim B