A group of inventors have patented a device that continuously monitors and collects evidence on gun usage. The device uses a number of sensors to detect various gun related events such as removal of the gun from a holster, direction at which the gun is being pointed and pulling of the trigger. The device also includes camera to take videos and a microphone to record sounds. As soon as the gun is removed from the holster, pictures and sounds are automatically captured and other gun related data such as a level of the gun and the direction in which it’s being aimed are recorded continuously. This event may also automatically trigger a phone call to a police partner or central station for backup.
Patent Information
Publication number: US 9217616
Patent Title: Evidence collecting and recording apparatus for a gun
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 14/640,171
Publication date: 22 Dec 2015
Filing date: 06 Mar 2015
Inventors: Kevin Michael Sullivan; Karl F. Milde, Jr.; Jason C. Milde;
Original Assignee: Kevin Michael Sullivan; Karl F. Milde, Jr.; Jason C. Milde;