Category: Videos
FoldiMate - Laundry Folding Machine
FoldiMate is, a home robot designed to fold your clean clothes all by itself with professional skill and quality results. The patented device will apparently…
Amazon is developing Weebo from the movie "Flubber"
Amazon is developing Weebo from the movie “Flubber” A recent patent reveals that Amazon is working on drones that can operate indoors (homes or office…
GoPro's Karma drone may be inspired from this patent pending drone
Last December, GoPro announced its first ever drone, “Karma”, after deal with DJI fell apart. They also posted a video on YouTube titled “GoPro: Karma…
Curious case of Apple Battery Case - Patents might have led Apple to design an ugly battery case
Click image below to watch the video: If Apple is known for one thing, it is design. It was Steve Jobs insistence on design, that…
Kingii the wearable floatation aid
Here is kingii the smallest wearable inflatable device, to help you to stay above water by quickly creating the buoyancy needed for floating. The device…
Delhi is winning against pollution
In May 2014, the World Health Organisation declared New Delhi as the most polluted city in the world. Delhi air had PM2.5 concentrations of 153…
Nemo 33 - Deepest Diving Pool
Nemo 33 is the deepest diving pool in the world. With a maximum depth of 34.5 meters(113 ft) it is a playground for deep water divers. It is…
The cutest robot dog ever!
Patent Information Publication number: US7942221 B1 Patent Title: Method and system for enabling bi-pedal locomotion Publication date: 17 May 2011 Filing date: 19 Jun 2009…