Celebrity Patent - James Cameron was granted a patent for an apparatus for propelling a user in an underwater environment

James Cameron was granted a patent for an apparatus for propelling a user in an underwater environment,” that he and his brother, created to film The Abyss and patented in 1989.

Patent Information
Publication number: US4996938 A
Patent Title: Apparatus for propelling a user in an underwater environment
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 07/391,099
Publication date: 5 Mar 1991
Filing date: 8 Aug 1989
Priority date: 8 Aug 1989
Fee status: Paid
Inventors: Michael H. Cameron, James F. Cameron
Original Assignee: American Gothic Productions

Abstract: An apparatus is disclosed for propelling a person in an underwater environment. The apparatus includes a hull assembly for maintaining the apparatus at the desired level of buoyancy, the hull assembly having a longitudinal axis. Support means are provided for allowing the person to position the hull assembly at the desired angular orientation relative to himself. Thruster means are connected to the hull assembly for propelling the apparatus through the water. The thruster means are positionable at the desired angular orientation relative to the longitudinal axis of the hull assembly. The hull assembly is angularly oriented independently of the direction of the movement of the apparatus. Means are provided for connecting the thruster means to the hull assembly.

