Celebrity Patent - Funnyman and illusionist, Penn Jillette, patented for a "hydro-therapeutic stimulator", which is tub with strategically placed jets to make the experience a bit more enjoyable for female bathers.

Funnyman and illusionist, Penn Jillette, patented for a “hydro-therapeutic stimulator”, which is tub with strategically placed jets to make the experience a bit more enjoyable for female bathers.

PatentYogi_Penn Jillette, patented a hydro-therapeutic stimulator for the ladies
















Patent Information
Publication number: US5920923 A
Patent Title: Hydro-therapeutic stimulator
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 09/005,258
Publication date: Jul 13, 1999
Filing date: Jan 9, 1998
Priority date: Jan 9, 1998
Fee status: Lapsed
Inventors: Penn Jillette
Original Assignee: Jillette; Penn

Abstract: A spa of a type including a tub for holding water and a user, in particular, a female user. The spa has a seat for supporting the female user in a seated position, a circulation pump having an inlet connected to the tub for drawing water from the tub, and an outlet connected to the tub for discharging the drawn water back to the tub. A discharge nozzle is located within the tub and connected to the outlet, mounted to the seat so that the discharged water from the circulation pump automatically aligns with and is directed to stimulation points (e.g., the clitoris) of the female user when the female user sits in the seat.
