Systems and methods for counteracting a perceptual fading of a movable indicator
Inventors: Julian; David P. (Cupertino, CA)
Name City State Country Type
Julian; David P.
Assignee: Apple Inc. (Cupertino, CA)
Appl. No.: 13/441,654
Filed: April 6, 2012
Systems and methods are provided for altering the position or visual appearance of a movable indicator in a GUI that is controlled by eye tracking to counteract a perceptual fading of the movable indicator with respect to the GUI. The position of the user’s point of gaze may be tracked, the movable indicator may be rendering at a position associated with the user’s point of gaze, and the position or visual appearance of the movable indicator may be altered when an event, such as a passage of time or a blinking of the user’s eyes, is detected.