Patent Number : 9,070195 B2
Patent Title : Method and system for auto-enhancing photographs with saturation adjustments
Inventors: Webb; Russell Y. (San Jose, CA), Johnson; Garrett M. (San Francisco, CA)
Assignee: APPLE INC. (Cupertino, CA)
Family ID: 1000001187165
Appl. No.: 13/629,559
Filed: September 27, 2012
Abstract: Some embodiments of the image editing and organizing application described herein provide an automatic enhancement process that includes vibrancy adjustment. The vibrancy adjustment increases the saturation of multiple pixels. The saturation of each pixel is determined by subtracting the lowest component value from the highest component value. The process determines an overall saturation of the image using a histogram. The histogram is generated using doubled saturation values for pixels with blue and green as the highest component value.