Google invents a media player that follows you wherever you go

Google invents a media player that follows you wherever you go. Videos can now play and move across your devices like your reflection from one mirror to another. The invention uses face recognition technology to detect your proximity and gaze towards a first device. When you move away from it towards a second device, playing of the video on the first device is terminated. Once you are close enough to the second device, the same video is automatically played exactly from the time when you stopped watching it on the first device. With this technology, you can now enjoy uninterrupted viewing of content even while on those unavoidable breaks to the kitchen or bathroom!



Patent Information
Publication number: US 9226024
Patent Title: Automatic transition of content based on facial recognition
Application number: US 14/595,762
Publication date: 29 Dec 2015
Filing date: 13 Jan 2013
Inventors: Benea; Robert
Original Assignee: Google Inc
