On December 6, 1892, W. Kales patented physician’s table. Patent Information Publication number: US487625 A Patent Title: Physician s table Publication type: Grant Publication date:…
Tag: bestoftheday
This Day in Patent History - On December 5, 1882, James V. Lafferty received a patent for an elephant-shaped novelty building, popularly known as Lucy the Elephant
On December 5, 1882, James V. Lafferty received a patent for an elephant-shaped novelty building, popularly known as Lucy the Elephant. …
This Day in Patent History - On December 4, 1934, idiosyncratic designer Charles James received a patent for a scarf
On December 4, 1934, idiosyncratic designer Charles James received a patent for a scarf. …
This Day in Patent History - On December 3, 1963, a patent was granted for a personal thermal suit
On December 3, 1963, a patent was granted for a personal thermal suit. …
This Day in Patent History - On December 2, 1969, a patent for home security system utilizing television surveillance was granted to Marie V.B. Brown
On December 2, 1969, a patent for home security system utilizing television surveillance was granted to Marie V.B. Brown. …
This Day in Patent History - On December 1, 1914, Nikola Tesla patented an apparatus for transmitting electrical energy
On December 1, 1914, Nikola Tesla patented an apparatus for transmitting electrical energy. …
Nikola Tesla Patent#9 - Electro-magnetic motor - US 381969
Patent Information Publication number: US381969 A Patent Title: Electro-magnetic motor Publication…
This Day in Patent History - On November 30, 1858, John Mason patented the screw neck bottle called the Mason Jar
On November 30, 1858, John Mason patented the screw neck bottle called the Mason Jar …
Sunday Funday – This patented wind-harnessing bike uses a sail attached to its back wheel to move forward
This patented wind-harnessing bike uses a sail attached to its back wheel to move forward. …
This Day in Patent History - On November 29, 1881, Francis Blake was granted a patent for the speaking phone
On November 29, 1881, Francis Blake was granted a patent for the speaking phone. Blake was elected a member of the American Antiquarian Society in…