PATENT INFORMATION: Patent Number – US 9083864 Patent Title – Self-cleaning camera lens Inventors: Reed; Glenn Richard (Ann Arbor, MI) Assignee: Ford Global Technologies, LLC…
PATENT INFORMATION: Patent Number: US 9,077,891 Patent Title: Depth determination using camera focus Inventors: Baldwin; Leo Benedict (Cupertino, CA) Assignee: AMAZON TECHNOLOGIES, INC. (Reno, NV)…
Patent Information: Patent Number: 9,077,866 Patent Title: Video system and methods for operating a video system Inventors: Aagaard; Kenneth John (Guttenberg, NJ), Barbatsoulis; Larry (Long…
The popularity and convenience of digital cameras as well as the widespread of use of Internet communications have caused digital images to become ubiquitous. For…
This week Google was granted a patent US 9,060,108 for a mobile phone accessory that can turn your simple camera into an omnidirectional, panaromic camera. The accessory,…