Patent Information Publication number: US2458969 A Patent Title: Mystery toy or puzzle Publication type: Grant Publication date: 11 Jan 1949 Filing date: 5 Feb 1948…
Tag: Toy
Star Wars - Yoda
Patent Information Publication number: USD265754 S Patent Title: Toy figure Publication type: Grant Application number: US 06/141,597 Publication date: Aug 10, 1982 Filing date: Apr…
Celebrity Patent – Danny Kaye, an American actor, patented a blowout toy
Danny Kaye, an American actor, patented a blowout toy. His performances featured physical comedy, idiosyncratic pantomimes, and rapid-fire novelty songs. He probably used the toy…
Celebrity Patent – Charles Fleischer patented a toy egg
Charles Fleischer patented a toy egg adapted for pulling, stretching, and bouncing which includes two intertwined helically cut shells. Patent Information Publication number: US4219959…
Star Wars - Snowspeeder
Patent Information Publication number: USD267025 S Patent Title: Toy space…
Star Wars - Greedo
Patent Information Publication number: USD266685 S Patent Title: Toy figure…
Star Wars - Twin-pod cloud car
Patent Information Publication number: USD265668 S Patent Title: Toy space…
Star Wars - Snowtrooper
Patent Information Publication number: USD265332 S Patent Title: Toy figure…
Star Wars - IG-88
Patent Information Publication number: USD265331 S Patent Title: Toy figure…
Star Wars - At-AT Vehicle
Patent Information Publication number: USD266777 S Patent Title: Toy vehicle…