This Day in Patent History - On January 14, 1904, Emile Savoye patented the famous Savoye Corset

On January 14, 1904, Emile Savoye patented the famous Savoye Corset.

Emile Savoye lived in Paris and held patents for corset designs in both the US and France. The Savoye corset is cut from just three pieces: a breast part, a belt part, and a hip part, the pieces joined by horizontal seams so that no seams “intersect vertically the waist.” This makes it easier to fit the corset to different figures.

PatentYogi_On January 14, 1904, Emile Savoye patented the famous Savoye Corset


Patent Information
Publication number: US786685 A
Patent Title: Corset
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 4 Apr 1905
Filing date: 14 Jan 1904
Priority date: 14 Jan 1904
Inventors: Emile Savoye
Original Assignee: Emile Savoye
