This Day in Patent History - On January 31, 1934, Tower Optical Company patented coin controlled binoculars

On January 31, 1934, Tower Optical Company patented coin controlled binoculars.

Tower Optical Company’s binoculars have been used on major tourist sites in the United States and Canada since 1930s. Only about 35 of the viewers are manufactured each year, but several thousand are maintained by the company.

PatentYogi_On January 31, 1934, Tower Optical Company patented coin controlled binoculars


Patent Information
Publication number: US2131163 A
Patent Title: Coin controlled binoculars
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 27 Sep 1938
Filing date: 31 Jan 1934
Priority date: 31 Jan 1934
Inventors: Casey Arthur F
Original Assignee: Tower Optical Company Inc
