This Day in Patent History - On January 6, 1925, Agronomist George Washington Carver was granted patent #1,522,176 for cosmetics made from peanuts

On January 6, 1925, Agronomist George Washington Carver was granted patent #1,522,176 for cosmetics made from peanuts.

He was born into slavery in Missouri. He was recognized for his many achievements and talents. In 1941, Time magazine dubbed Carver a “Black Leonardo”.

PatentYogi_On January 6, 1925, Agronomist George Washington Carver was granted patent #1,522,176 for cosmetics made from peanuts


Patent Information
Publication number: US1522176 A
Patent Title: Cosmetic and process of producing the same
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 6 Jan 1925
Filing date: 17 Sep 1923
Priority date: 17 Sep 1923
Inventors: Carver George Washington
Original Assignee: Carver George Washington
