This Day in Patent History - On January 9, 1894, Nikola Telsa was granted a patent was granted for a coil for Electro-Magnets

On January 9, 1894, Nikola Telsa was granted a patent was granted for a coil for Electro-Magnets.

Features of the coil – Effect of mutual relation self-induction exploited; Adjacent coil convolutions formed parts exists so that the potential difference is sufficient to neutralize negative effects; Bifilar coil winding technique.

PatentYogi_On January 9, 1894, Nikola Telsa was granted a patent was granted for a coil for Electro-Magnets.


Patent Information
Publication number: US512340 A
Patent Title: Nikola tesla
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 9 Jan 1894
Inventors: Nikola Tesla
