Patent Information Publication number: US381969 A Patent Title: Electro-magnetic motor Publication…
This Day in Patent History - On November 30, 1858, John Mason patented the screw neck bottle called the Mason Jar
On November 30, 1858, John Mason patented the screw neck bottle called the Mason Jar …
Sunday Funday – This patented wind-harnessing bike uses a sail attached to its back wheel to move forward
This patented wind-harnessing bike uses a sail attached to its back wheel to move forward. …
This Day in Patent History - On November 29, 1881, Francis Blake was granted a patent for the speaking phone
On November 29, 1881, Francis Blake was granted a patent for the speaking phone. Blake was elected a member of the American Antiquarian Society in…
Celebrity Patent - Hedy Lamarr, an American film actor, patented a ""Secret Communications System" to help combat the Nazis in World War II
Hedy Lamarr, an American film actor, patented a “Secret Communications System” to help combat the Nazis in World War II. Lamarr received the patent in…
This Day in Patent History - On November 28, 1916, Edward H Angle invented an Orthodontic appliance to force the teeth of the dental arch into proper alignment
On November 28, 1916, Edward H Angle invented an Orthodontic appliance to force the teeth of the dental arch into proper alignment. This patent is…
Next Gen Google Glass
Google patented next generation Google Glass device, which fits on just one ear. Patent Information Publication number: US 9195067 B1 Patent Title: Wearable device with…
This Day in Patent History - On November 27, 1894, Mildred Lord was granted a patent for a washing machine
On November 27, 1894, Mildred Lord was granted a patent for a washing machine. Mildred Lord is considered a prominent Amercian women inventors. …
This Day in Patent History - On November 26, 1895, Russell Penniman received a patent for a transparent photographic film
On November 26, 1895, Russell Penniman received a patent for a transparent photographic film. …