Celebrity Patent - Hedy Lamarr, an American film actor, patented a ""Secret Communications System" to help combat the Nazis in World War II

Hedy Lamarr, an American film actor, patented a “Secret Communications System” to help combat the Nazis in World War II. Lamarr received the patent in 1941, but the enormous significance of their invention was not realized until decades later. It was first used on naval ships during the Cuban Missile Crisis. today, it forms the technical backbone that makes cellular phones possible.

Celebrity Patents - Hedy Lamarr















Patent Information
Publication number: US2292387 A
Patent Title: Secret communication system
Publication type: Grant
Publication date: 11 Aug 1942
Filing date: 10 Jun 1941
Priority date: 10 Jun 1941
Inventors: Antheil George, Markey Hedy Kiesler
Original Assignee: Antheil George, Markey Hedy Kiesler
