Edward L. Van Halen, a guitar wizard, patented a supporting member for his guitar. The invented supporting member allows Van Halen’s to use his two-handed…
This Day in Patent History - On December 7, 1880, Alexander Graham Bell patented photophone, which allowed for the transmission of speech on a beam of light
On December 7, 1880, Alexander Graham Bell patented photophone, which allowed for the transmission of speech on a beam of light. Bell believed the photophone…
This Day in Patent History - On December 6, 1892, W. Kales patented physician's table
On December 6, 1892, W. Kales patented physician’s table. Patent Information Publication number: US487625 A Patent Title: Physician s table Publication type: Grant Publication date:…
This Day in Patent History - On December 5, 1882, James V. Lafferty received a patent for an elephant-shaped novelty building, popularly known as Lucy the Elephant
On December 5, 1882, James V. Lafferty received a patent for an elephant-shaped novelty building, popularly known as Lucy the Elephant. …
Samsung patents a cool compact laptop using flexible displays
Samsung is betting on flexible screens to beat Apple. Samsung Electronics has filed half of all new flexible display patents in the US, followed by…
This Day in Patent History - On December 4, 1934, idiosyncratic designer Charles James received a patent for a scarf
On December 4, 1934, idiosyncratic designer Charles James received a patent for a scarf. …
Wow! It is possible to get a patent in 100 days!
Wow! It is possible to get a patent in 100 days! The USPTO has historically been slow in processing patent applications. Applicants have had to…
This Day in Patent History - On December 3, 1963, a patent was granted for a personal thermal suit
On December 3, 1963, a patent was granted for a personal thermal suit. …
Infographic - This week in patents - November 30-December 4
Details of these 10 patents are provided below. 1. Effecting voice communication in a sound-restricted environment (Patent Number – US 9,202,474) Airbus has patented a technology…
This Day in Patent History - On December 2, 1969, a patent for home security system utilizing television surveillance was granted to Marie V.B. Brown
On December 2, 1969, a patent for home security system utilizing television surveillance was granted to Marie V.B. Brown. …