Patent Information Publication number: US336962 A Publication type: Grant Publication date:…
Event of the Day - November 01 is celebrated as World Vegan Day. Here is a patent on non-animal meat casings for preparing sausages
November 01 is celebrated as World Vegan Day. Here is a patent on non-animal meat casings for preparing sausages.
Funday Sunday – Pillow with retractable umbrella
Patent Information Publication number: US6711769 B1 Patent Title:Pillow with retractable…
This Day in Patent History - On October 31, 1839, patent was granted to Sumner King for Elliptical spring for carriages
On October 31, 1839, patent was granted to Sumner King for Elliptical spring for carriages. …
Celebrity Patent - Bill Nye, the science guy, patented an improved ballet toe shoe. This shoe helps reduce pain experienced by a ballet dancer
Bill Nye, the science guy, patented an improved ballet toe shoe. This shoe helps reduce pain experienced by a ballet dancer. Bill Nye met some…
This Day in Patent History – On October 30, 1888, a patent for a ballpoint pen was granted to John Loud
On October 30, 1888, a patent for a ballpoint pen was granted to John Loud. …
Interesting Fact about Patents – Steve Jobs has been awarded about 200 patents after his death
Steve Jobs has been awarded about 200 patents after his death.
This Day in Patent History – On Oct. 29, 1969, the Internet had its beginnings when the first host-to-host connection was made on the Arpanet – an experimental military computer network. Key team members decided not to patent the technology.
On Oct. 29, 1969, the Internet had its beginnings when the first host-to-host connection was made on the Arpanet – an experimental military computer network.…
This Day in Patent History – On October 28, 1879, William Lincoln was issued a patent for a lamp
On October 28, 1879, William Lincoln was issued a patent for a lamp …
Event of the Day – On October 27 is celebrated as Flag Day in Greece. Here is an patent for an artificial wind producing flag pole assembly for providing airflow in windless conditions
On October 27 is celebrated as Flag Day in Greece. Here is an patent for an artificial wind producing flag pole assembly for providing airflow…