Funday Sunday – Pillow with retractable umbrella

















Patent Information
Publication number: US6711769 B1
Patent Title:Pillow with retractable umbrella
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 10/378,324
Publication date: 30 Mar 2004
Filing date: 4 Mar 2003
Priority date: 4 Mar 2003
Fee status: Paid
Also published as: WO2004077992A2, WO2004077992A3
Inventors: Marielena Jane-Prats
Original Assignee: Marielena Jane-Prats

Abstract:A pillow with a retractable umbrella, comprising a pillow assembly with first and second ends. The first and second ends have a channel extending therebetween. Fixedly secured onto the first end of the pillow assembly is a supporting assembly with third and fourth ends. The supporting assembly has a cavity between the third and fourth ends to store items within, and has a removable end-cap to access the cavity. Extending from the supporting assembly is an umbrella assembly. The umbrella assembly lying within the channel in a stored position. The instant invention having rotating and swivel means for positioning the umbrella assembly while in an erect position. The invention may be stored in a case for easy carrying and in an open position, allows a user to lay his/her head on the pillow while covering their face from sunlight.
