On February 21, 1865 John Deere (blacksmith) received a patent for ploughs. He founded Deere & Company in 1837, which still is a major player…
This Day in Patent History - This antique Combined Wrench & Thread Cutter available for sale on eBay was patented on 17 Feb 1903
This antique Combined Wrench & Thread Cutter available for sale on eBay was patented on 17 Feb 1903. You can still read the patent number…
This Day In Patent History - On February 18, 1879 Auguste Bartholdi was granted a design patent for the Statue of Liberty
On February 18, 1879 Auguste Bartholdi was granted a design patent for the Statue of Liberty. Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi was a French sculptor. The work…
Celebrity Patent - Paul Winchell, an American ventriloquist and comedian, patented a retractable fountain pen
Paul Winchell was almost as “multi-talented” as Leornardo Da Vinci. He performed as comedian, ventriloquist, voice actor, inventor, and humanitarian. He is most famous…
Ford patented a cool laterally tiltable car
Ford has patented a cool laterally tiltable car. The car can carry two passengers. When driving around curves, it laterally tilts just like bicycles. It…
This Day in Patent History - On February 16, 1932, James Markham received the first fruit tree patent for a peach tree
Patent Information Publication number: USPP7 P Patent Title: Missottbi Publication type: Grant Publication date: 16 Feb 1932 Filing date: 6 Sep 1930 Inventors: James E.…
Funny Patent of the week - Life Expectancy Watch
This Smart Watch from 2002 can tell your life expectancy. The patent says, “Life expectancy has been a major concern of people throughout the ages.…
Nikola Tesla patent #16 – System of electrical distribution – US390413
Patent Information Publication number: US390413 A Patent Title: Nikola Publication type: Grant Publication date: Oct 2, 1888 Filing date: Apr 10, 1888 Original Assignee: The…
Patent Quote - Thomas Jefferson
“Ingenuity should receive a liberal encouragement. Patentable subject matter shoud include anything under the sun that is made by man”
This Day In Patent History - On February 15, 1870, Jules Touaillon patented first isolation system for protecting buildings against earthquakes
On February 15, 1870, Jules Touaillon patented first isolation system for protecting buildings against earthquakes. Patent Information Publication number: US99973 A Patent Title: Improvement in…