Year: 2016
iRobot is developing on security guard robots
iRobot is famous for developing robots for homes and offices. They have robots that are capable of vacuuming, mopping, pool clearning or gutter cleaning. They…
Verizon's drones will deliver a payload only to an authorized user
Many private companies are working on drones for rapid delivery of lightweight commercial products (e.g., packages), food, medicine, etc. These delivery systems need to meet…
Success of Amazon's Drone Service depends on this patent
Amazon’s plan to use drones to deliver packages is an amazing idea. But turning it into reality involves solving difficult technical problems. One of the…
Microsoft will increase the frequency of serendipitous meetings with friends
These days smartphones know our location all the time. They also have information about our friends. Further, they know about our daily plans (from calendar). Microsoft…
Facebook is developing some automated techniques to throttle clickbait
Facebook feed is generally full of clickbait headlines. Facebook had declared that they want to fight clickbait as it wastes users time and impacts their…
Boeing plans to provide Location-based services onboard aircraft
Boeing plans to install wireless beacons dispersed at fixed locations within a passenger cabin of the aircraft. When passengers move in the aircraft with their…
Microsoft invents a see-through display device to view two worlds at once
The smartphone has virtually brought the entire world into your hands. But having to look into the screen each time can literally be a pain…
Microsoft is working on Google AdWords for augmented reality
Augmented reality devices (like Hololens) display holographic objects to augment a world space object. A hologram may be overlaid on an environment that includes real…
Technology of Maglev trains now used to build artificial heart
Worldheart corporation in collaboration with Carnegie Mellon University have invented a miniature artificial heart that works on the same technology that powers super fast maglev…