This Day in Patent History - On December 25, 2007, a patent was granted for this Christmas ornament that displays a string of Christmas lights on a spinning upper hub

On December 25, 2007,  a patent was granted for this Christmas ornament that displays a string of Christmas lights on a spinning upper hub.

PatentYogi_On December 25, 2007,  a patent was granted for this Christmas ornament that displays a string of Christmas lights on a spinning upper hub

















Patent Information
Publication number: US7311421 B1
Patent Title: Spinning illuminated ornament
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 11/434,995
Publication date: 25 Dec 2007
Filing date: 16 May 2006
Priority date: 23 Apr 2004
Fee status: Lapsed
Publication number: 11434995, 434995, US 7311421 B1, US 7311421B1, US-B1-7311421, US7311421 B1, US7311421B1
Inventors: Robert Michael Fahl
Original Assignee: Robert Michael Fahl
