Ingenious invention - Modobag, a Motorized suitcase

This rideable suitcase is available on Indiegogo. Modobag combines the convenience of a standard suitcase with the innovation of personal transportability, GPRS-GSM tracking, and dual USB charging ports to create the world’s only motorized, smart and connected carry-on that gets you to your destination three times faster than the average walking speed.

Kevin O’Donnell, the founder of Modobag says, “We’re not trying to make anyone lazy. It’s about life efficiency.”

Many companies have been trying to solve this market for over 50 years now. Here is a luggage scooter patented in 1967.

Patent Information
Publication number: US3314494 A
Patent Title: Collapsible luggage scooter
Publication date: 18 Apr 1967
Filing date: 12 Jul 1965
Priority date: 12 Jul 1965
Inventors: Dorothea M Weitzner
Original Assignee: Dorothea M Weitzner
