The Feast of the Ass (Latin: Festum Asinorum or asinaria festa, French: Fête de l’âne) was a medieval, Christian feast observed on January 14, celebrating…
Author: admin
PatentYogi - Weekly Patent News - January 12 - January 16, 2015
Welcome to weekly patent news, a show that provides quick updates on the recent activity in the patent world. The US has seen a distinct…
PatentYogi - Weekly Patent News - January 5 - January 9, 2015
] Welcome to weekly patent news,a show that provides quick updates on the recent activity in the patent world Toyota opens up hydrogen fuel car…
Apple patented an advanced Instagram
] Apple patented an advanced Instagram Apple’s invention modifies images automatically based on audio events, motion events, and location events. There is no need for…
Apple patented a display that doubles as a speaker membrane
] Apple patented a display that doubles as a speaker membrane Currently, the size of speakers in smartphones is limited. This severely impacts the quality…
This Day In Patent History - On January 14, 1890 This Day In Patent History – On January 14, 1890 This Day In Patent History – On January 14, 1890, George Cooke received a…
This week, Apple patented remote camera, and GoPro shares tank. Digital camera system having remote control US 8,934,045 Inventors: Karn; Keith Stoll (Avon, NY), Krolczyk; Marc (Spencerport, NY), Joza; Kazuhiro (Saitama, JP) Applicant: Name…
Patent No, 8,934,879 Inconspicuous mode for mobile devices (Inventors - Naftolin; Jordan) United States Patent 8,934,879NaftolinInventors: Naftolin; Jordan (Seattle, WA)Applicant: Name City State Country TypeMicrosoft Corporation Redmond WA US Assignee: Microsoft Corporation (Redmond, WA) Family ID: 1000000873491Appl.…
"Patent of the Day - On Jan 13, Sidereal winter solstice's eve celebrations are held in Southeast Asian cultures: Bhogi, Lohri, Uruka. UV radiation risk is least during winter solstice. You can determine UV risk using this patented UV Risk Indicator. So, it is time to go out today!!!" Ultraviolet risk indicator US 7979994 B2 Publication number US7979994 B2 Publication type Grant Application number US 12/763,054 Publication date 19 Jul 2011 Filing date…
Google patented method to navigate menus on Google Glass using nasal vocalization
Google might be facing mounting criticism against Google Glass. But Google is going ahead with improving the device, as it does look like a device…