#CreepyIP No. 14 – Multiple Person Outfit to create a two-headed monster for Halloween

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Patent Information
Patent Number: US5970518 A
Patent Title: Multiple person outfit
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 09/252,081
Publication date: Oct 26, 1999
Filing date: Feb 18, 1999
Priority date: Mar 9, 1998
Fee status: Paid
Inventors: Aurellius M. Jordan

Abstract: A outfit/costume that two or more people will wear at the same time. The outfit/costume has what appears from the outside to be three or more legs and the center leg will hold a leg of each person. It also has two arm sleeves, one for each person, inner sleeves that will hold the other two inner arms of the persons and at least two neck apertures for the persons wearing the outfit/costume.

