An innovative plumber [Inventor Spotted]

PatentYogi_An innovative plumbe

This plumber used an ideal decal on his truck.

Creativity makes every job interesting and more fulfilling. According to Arthur Baer, a plumber is an adventurer who traces leaky pipes to their source. That is an awesome way to describe plumbing.

Toilets are not only for defecating. Here is patent on a toilet snorkel. It is snorkeling for sure, but not for fun. If you are caught in a fire situation inside a building, this patent can literally save your life. In a fire situation, if the smoke fills your room and you are unable to get out of the room, then you can quickly run out of breath and die without any actual fire in the room. Plumbing that leads to sewer lines, including toilets, has a “gas trap” of standing water that prevents sewer gasses from leaking into a room. In the case of a smoke filled room, this works the opposite direction – the gas trap stops smoke from entering the sewer lines, which still have breathable air. This patented device lets you access this gas trap can get some breaths that might save your life.

Patent Information
Publication number: US4320756 A
Patent Title: Fresh-air breathing device and method
Publication date: 23 Mar 1982
Filing date: 25 Feb 1981
Priority date: 25 Feb 1981
Inventors: William O. Holmes
Original Assignee: Holmes William O


Source: Sickest Space