Celebrity Patent - Bill Nye, the science guy, patented an improved ballet toe shoe. This shoe helps reduce pain experienced by a ballet dancer

Bill Nye, the science guy, patented an improved ballet toe shoe. This shoe helps reduce pain experienced by a ballet dancer.

Bill Nye met some ballet dancers on a show about a science show bones and muscles. He found that the women, just 22 years old, already had undergone through three or four surgeries. The toe shoe had actually not changed in centuries. So Bill designed a more comfortable shoe.

















Patent Details
Publication number: US6895694 B2
Patent Title: Toe shoe
Publication type: Grant
Application number: US 10/299,554
Publication date: May 24, 2005
Filing date: Nov 19, 2002
Priority date: Nov 19, 2002
Fee status: Paid
Also published as: US7254904, US20040093761, US20050198861
Inventors: William S. Nye
Original Assignee: William S. Nye

Abstract:A toe shoe capable of providing support to a ballet dancer’s foot while dancing en pointe. The toe shoe preferably includes a toe box in the toe of the toe shoe, an upper, and an outer sole. Support structure within the toe shoe includes a longitudinal support member, a foot encirculating tubular sleeve, and/or a toe ridge. In a first preferred embodiment, the support structure includes the longitudinal support member, foot encirculating tubular sleeve, and toe ridge. In a second preferred embodiment, the support structure includes the longitudinal support member and foot encirculating tubular sleeve. In a third preferred embodiment, the support structure is the longitudinal support member and toe ridge.
